Following are the classes of drugs
(A) Coca alkaloids
(B) Opioids
(C) Cannabinoids
Choose the correct class and align the words that are associated with it
(i) Vomiting, constipation, euphoria, Papaver somniferum, snorting, smack, latex, is whitish milk-like substance, its area of action - the central nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract. Heroin, morphine, white, odourless, bitter, crystalline compound
(ii) Hashish, marijuana, it has an orange structured resin, charas is a blackened sticky residue of the orange resin, can be taken orally as well as inhaled, can be minced and eaten along with food
(iii) Sensory distortion, euphoria cardiovascular diseases, increase in appetite, hallucinations, paranoia, loss of personal sense of identity
(iv) Snorting, increased heartbeat, energy , coke, dopamine flooding, crack