For any 2 natural numbers, their LCM is always divisible by their HCF. State with true or false.
LCM is the lowest common multiple of the two numbers and HCF is the highest common factor.
Since HCF is a factor to both the numbers, then it will also be a factor to all of their multiples.
For eg: - 14, 6
14 = 2 x 7
6= 2 x 3
HCF of 14 and 6 will be 2.
This means that 2 is a factor of 14 and 6.
LCM of 14 and 6= 2 x 7 x 3= 42
42= 2 x 3 x 7
We can clearly see that 2 is also a factor of 42 (which is a multiple of 14 and 6)