From the prices of shares X and Y below, find out which is more stable in value :
X 35 54 52 53 56 58 52 50 51 49Y108107105105106107104103104101
XY(X−¯X)(Y−¯Y)(X−¯X)2(Y−¯Y)235108−16 3256 954107 3 2 9 452105 1 0 1 053105 2 0 4 056106 5 1 25 158107 7 2 49 452104 1−1 1 150103−1−2 1 451104 0−1 0 149101−2−4 416510105035040
(¯¯¯x) = 51010=51,(¯¯¯y)=105010=105
C.V. of x=5.9251×100=11.61
C.V. of y=2105×100=1.9
C.V. or Y < C.V. ofX
Thus prices of share Y are more stable.