Reproduction is very important for any living organism for the continuation of similar kind of species, generation after generation. Animals show both asexual and sexual reproduction. In sexual reproduction, males and females have different reproductive organs and gametes. Both male and female produce gametes that fuse together to form a zygote. The male gamete is called a sperm and the female gamete is called an egg. The fusion of the egg and the sperm is called as fertilization. The zygote develops and gives rise to an embryo. This embryo later differentiates and develops into a fetus. Animals which give birth to young ones are called a viviparous animal. For examples, human, cow. Animals that lay eggs are called as oviparous animals. For example, birds, lizard. Some animals also reproduce asexually through fission, budding, fragmentation. Examples include aphids, slime molds, some species of starfish.