(i) Friedel-Crafts reaction (alkylation):
An aromatic compound (such as benzene) reacts with an alkyl halide, an alcohol or an alkene in presence of anhydrous aluminium chloride (catalyst).
C6H6+CH3Clanhy. AlCl3−−−−−−−→ΔC6H5CH3+HCl
(ii) Williamson's synthesis
An alkyl halide is heated with sodium or potassium alkoxide.
In this reaction, both simple and mixed ethers can be made.
(iii) Aldol condensation
Aldehydes and ketones containing at least one alpha hydrogen atom when treated with dilute base (NaOH, Ba(OH)2, K2CO3 etc) or dil. acid undergo condensation to form aldol.
CH3CHO+HCH2CHOdil alkali−−−−−→CH3CHOHCH2CHO aldol