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Give the achievements of five-year plans in India.

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Some major achievements of the Five Year Plans are:
(i) Increase in National Income: Prior to planning, the national income of India increased at the rate of 0.5% per annum. During the period of planning, the average annual growth rate in India had been around 5%.
(ii) Increase in per capita income during the planning period: Per Capita Income increased at the rate of 2.9% per annum.
(iii) Institutional and technical changes in agricultural planning have contributed tremendously towards the development of agriculture in our country. During the period of planning, average growth rate of agriculture produce was 2.8% per annum.
(iv) Growth and diversification of industry: During the period of planning, the growth rate of industrial production had been around 7% per annum. Basic and capital goods industries have shown tremendous growth. In consumer goods industries, the country has become self-sufficient. Industrial sector has been diversified and modernised.
(v) Economic and social infrastructure: During the period of planning, economic infrastructure such as means of transport and communication, irrigation facilities and power, banking and insurance facilities have shown significant growth. Health and educational facilities have recorded a significant rise.
(vi) Employment concentrated efforts have been made to increase employment opportunities during the plan period. In the eleventh five year plan, the government fixed the target of creating 58 million jobs.
(vii) International trade: India's international trade has also grown at a phenomenal rate. In 1948-49, the value of foreign trade was Rs. 792 crore. In 2011-2012, it stood at Rs. 38,11,422 crore.
So, we can say that our economy showed considerable progress during the plan period.

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