Given below is the diagram of an apparatus used to study a particular phenomenon in plants :
(a) Name the apparatus.
(b) What is it used for ?
(c) What is the role played by the air-bubble in this experiment ?
(d) What is the use of the reservoir ?
(e) What happens to the movement of the air-bubble if the apparatus is kept :
(i) in the dark; (ii) in sunlight; (iii) in front of a fan ?
Give a reason in each case.
(a) Ganong’s Potometer.
(b) It is used to measure the rate of transpiration of a leafy shoot.
(c) The movement of air-bubble per minute gives the rate of transpiration.
(d) It is used to adjust the position of air-bubble in the capillary tube.
(e) (i) The air-bubble will move very slowly as stomata is closed.
(ii) The air-bubble will move faster as stomata are opened.
(iii) The air-bubble will move very faster as the transpiration increases with the velocity of the wind.