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Here are some opinions about computer games in general.

1. Encourage sedentary lifestyle

2. Too much time is wasted

3. Negative impact on health

4. Psychological imbalance

5. The games are addictive.

6. Reduce social skills

7. Promote violence and aggression

8. Detach one from reality

Do you think these opinions are biased? Write an article entitled 'Virtual games are a reality.'

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Note: This question is to be answered on the basis of your own understanding, experience and thoughts. It is strongly recommended that you prepare the solution on your own. However, one sample solution has been provided for your reference.

Virtual world or cyberspace is an environment using computer technology to create a simulated, three-dimensional world that a user can manipulate and explore while feeling as if he were in that world. In a virtual reality environment, the user experiences the feeling of being inside and a part of that world. He is also able to interact with his environment in meaningful ways. Virtually real environment has benefited the health care industry. The doctors use virtual reality products to treat phobias, addictions and other mental health needs.

However, some psychologists are concerned that virtual reality games could psychologically affect a player. They suggest that these games place a player in violent situations, particularly as the perpetuator of violence and could result in the user becoming desensitised. Some psychologists also believe that these games can lead to cyber addiction. There have been several news stories of gamers neglecting their real lives for their online, in-game presence.

Another rising concern is about criminal acts. In a virtual game, defining a criminal act has been problematic. At what point can authorities charge a person with a real crime for actions within a virtual game? Studies indicate that people can have real physical and emotional reactions to stimuli within a virtual game. Thus, it’s quite possible that a victim of a virtual attack could feel real emotional trauma. Can the attacker be punished for causing real-life distress? We don’t have answers to these questions yet.

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