his percentage income (rounded off to nearest integer) on his investment.
What was the percentage increase in total sales in 2003 from 1998 (rounded off to nearest integer)?
A man invests Rs 3.072 in a company paying 5 % per annum, when its Rs 10 share can be bought for Rs 16 each. Find :
(i) his annual income;
(ii) his percentage income on his investment.
John invests ₹7,200 in MojoRojo Inc, paying 10% per annum when its ₹20 shares can be bought for ₹16. His annual income, and percentage return on his investment are respectively ____.
A man invests ₹ 15000 in a company paying 6 % dividend when its ₹ 100 shares can be bought for ₹ 150. Find
i) the number of shares he bought
ii) his annual income
iii) his percentage income on his investment