The correct option is B Cholecystokinin
Cholecystokinin hormone stimulates the contraction of the gallbladder for the release of bile juice.
HormoneSite of secretionEffectsSecretinEnteroendocrine Stimulates secretion of pancreatic juice richcells of the mucosalin bicarbonate ions.layer of theduodenumCholecystokininCCK cells in theStimulates secretion of pancreatic juice richmucosa of the smallin enzymes and helps in the ejection of bileintestinejuice from the gallbladderGastrinG cells of the gastricPromotes secretion of gastric juice, increasesglandgastric motility and promotes the growth ofgastric mucosaGIP (GastricIt is secreted by theIt inhibits the secretion of gastric juice.inhibitory peptide)small intestine.