How Are The Narcondam And Barren Island Formed?
The Narcondam and Barren are active and now extinct and are respectively called volcanic islands.
Narcondam Island is a small volcanic island situated in the northern Andaman Sea. It is India’s easternmost Island and its peak rises to 710 m above mean sea level. This island is a part of the Andaman Islands. Narcondam Island is formed from a volcano, as there were reports of ‘mud and smoke’ being ejected from the volcano. Hence, this island is also called a volcanic island.
The barren island is located in the Andaman Sea and a part of the Indian Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
This is the only confirmed active volcano in South Asia. is formed by eruptions of volcanoes. Barren Island lavas are mainly basalts and basaltic andesites