How can you convert an AC generator into a DC generator?
Generator components:
There are various components of a generator. Major generator components are engine, field, battery charger, fuel system, control panel, armature, shaft bearings, lubrication system, slip rings, prime mover, voltage regulator, alternator, rotor, cooling, stator, exhaust systems, etc.
AC generator converted into a DC generator as,
The AC generator uses slip rings in its construction, while the DC generator employs split rings or commutators. Cut the rings into half parts and connect the coil, and split the ring ends with each other.
An AC generator is changed into a DC generator by using a split ring or commutator, which will provide a unidirectional (one direction) current flow.
The commutator is connected with the generator's armature as it supplies direct current through them. Commutator or split ring changes current after every half cycle completion such that each terminal feels the same electromotive force.
Thus, the AC generator is converted into a DC generator with the help of split rings or a commutator.