A typical construction sequence for a fill dam is:
Stage 1: Excavate diversion tunnel and build coffer dams. The end of this stage is marked by the milestone of diverting the river through the diversion tunnel.
Stage 2: Strip dam foundation of overburden. Carry out foundation treatment and grouting. Excavate and haul fill construction materials from their sources and place and compact in the dam embankment. The end of this stage is marked by the milestone of closure of the diversion tunnel to start the storage of water in the dam reservoir. Excavation of the spillway will also be under way during this stage.
Stage 3: Complete outlet works, spillway and all other parts of dam project.
Management of floods during construction is one aspect always given considerable attention by the engineers designing the dam. Before the design of the dam can be completed engineering geologists have to find sources of suitable clay, gravel and rock which can be used as construction materials with which the dam wall can be built.