Tides are the periodic rise and fall of water levels in the ocean. The rise in the level of ocean water is the high tide and the lowering of the water level is known as the low tide.
The occurrence of high and low tides
Tides are formed because of the gravitational force exerted by the moon and the sun along with the centrifugal force due to the earth's rotation.
The water level on the part of the earth facing the moon rises. The rise in water level due to the gravitational pull exerted by the moon leads to high tide.
You might have noticed that the water level at the opposite side also has risen. The centrifugal force due to the earth's rotation is the reason for the rise in water level here.
It can be seen that the water level goes down at places located 90° away from the places of tidal influence. This is due to the draining of water towards the tidal regions. The phenomenon of fall of water level is known as low tide.