The main rivers of the Himalayan group are 1The Indus 2..The ganga and the .3 The Brahmaputra. All these rivers are very important because many towns and cities have settled along the banks of these rivers.
THE INDUS- The trans-Himalayan Indus river originates near the Mansarover lake near the Tibetan plateau. The main 5 tributaries of this river are- The Sutlej, The Beas, The Ravi,The Chenab and The Jhelum. These 5 rivers make the fertile region of Punjab.
THE GANGA- This river arises from Gomukh, Gangotri. Its head stream is known as Bhagirathi. The name of its tributaries are- Chambal, Betwa and Ken. Mainly UP and Bihar are situated on the Ganga Basin.
THE BRAHMAPUTRA-This river arises from Chemaung-Dung Glacier. It is orignally known as Dihag and later on acquired its name as Brahmaputra. It flows for only 800kms in India and then continues to flow in China and Bangladesh. Main towns situated on this river are Dibrugarh, Guwahati, Tezpur, etc.