Snakes have eyes but the vision is monochromatic and 2-D. Even if you were standing in front of a venomous snake, it would not know, based on its eye-sight alone how far ahead to strike and give you a fatal bite.
Beautiful creatures that they are, snakes sense in different and unique ways:
Vibrations: Snakes are very sensitive to vibrations. If you have seen reptile hunter shows on TV, you will notice the snake handlers shout to the camera but remain very still. That's because snakes are deaf to sounds but can 'hear' vibrations in the earth.
Heat: Snakes sense using a special feature called the Jacobson's organ. The forked tongue 'licks' the air and can tell which side of its face it must strike. Many pit vipers also have heat pits in their face which sense the body heat of its prey.
Sight: Though poor, like reptile eyes it can sense a fast moving object. So it is a good idea not to move too fast when confronted by a snake. It will most likely never see you.