1 . Climbing: Leaves are modified to form tendrils. Tendrils coil around the support and help the plants in climbing. For example, three leaflets of Doxantha are modified into hooks for clinging. Leaves are modified into spines in climbing species of Asparagus for clinging to the support.
2. Transpiration: Petioles are modified into phyllodes while the lamina is reduced to check transpiration.
3. Storage: Food is stored in leaf bases of onion. Water and mucilage are stored in the leaves of Aloe. A water storing pitcher is formed by leaf is Dischidia. Air is stored in the leaves of aquatic plants to help in floating.
4. Balancers: In Salvinia, one leaf of each node is modified into roots that act as balancers.
5. Traps: In insectivorous plants, leaves are specialised to trap small animals and feed over them.For example, Utricularia, Drosera, Dionaea, Nepenthes.
6. Defence: Leaves are modified to form spines and bear prickles for protection against browing animals. For example, Barberry, Opuntia, Argemona.