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How do we visualise heat in real life ?

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Heat is a form of energy-specifically, the energy that flows between two bodies because of differences in temperature. Therefore, the scientific definition of heat is different from, and more precise than, the everyday meaning. Physicists working in the area of thermodynamics study heat from a number of perspectives, including specific heat, or the amount of energy required to change the temperature of a substance, and calorimetry, the measurement of changes in heat as a result of physical or chemical changes. Thermodynamics helps us to understand such phenomena as the operation of engines and the gradual breakdown of complexity in physical systems—a phenomenon known as entropy.
Heat energy is the term that we use to describe the level of activity for the molecules in an object. An object with molecules that are very excited and zip around rapidly is known as being hot, while an object with molecules whose atoms move around less rapidly is known as cold.
Everyday Examples of Heat Energy :
The biggest example of heat energy in our solar system is the sun itself. The sun radiates heat to warm us up one the planet earth.
When the burner of a stovetop is very hot, it is a source of heat energy. Anything placed onto the stovetop and warmed, whether a pot of tea or a skillet for frying eggs, also become sources of heat energy.
Automobile fuels such as gasoline are sources of heat energy, as is the hot engine of a racecar or a school bus.
A toaster is turned on and turns a piece of bread into a piece of toast. This is due to the radiant heat energy of the toast, which draws moisture from the bread and makes it crispy.
A hot cup of steaming cocoa contains heat energy.
Any fire, from the smallest match, to the fireplace, to the biggest forest fire ever, contains heat energy - with even the smallest of fires potentially resulting in the massive amount of heat energy seen in a huge blaze.
When ice is placed into a glass of water, the heat energy from the water eventually melts the ice, meaning the water itself is a source of heat energy.
A radiator or heating system in a home provides radiant heat energy to warm a house during those long, cold winter months.
Conventional ovens are sources of convection heat energy, causing the food placed into it to become hot and cook.
Your body contains heat energy that can warm a cold glass of lemonade, melt the ice on the other side of a window, and make someone else warm when you hug them.
Geothermal energy is a type of heat energy generated and stored beneath the surface of the Earth. This type of energy is used to heat homes and buildings.
A huge amount of heat energy is stored in a bolt of lightning, which can strike and start a fire or cause an electrical outage.
Heat energy is contained inside of a hot piece of pizza - if it doesn’t cool down, that heat energy has the potential to hurt the roof of a person’s mouth.
When your computer is turned on, the components inside of it generate heat energy, which needs to be cooled with a small fan installed within the machine.
A bathtub filled with hot water contains enough heat energy to warm a cold body back to a comfortable level on a frigid day.
There is heat energy inside a cat that can be transferred to a person when the warm animal jumps up onto his or her lap.

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