To convert the fraction 18 into a decimal fraction, follow the steps given below:
Step 1: Check the denominator of the given fraction. If it can be written in the Prime factorization of either 2 or 5, it can be easily converted into a decimal fraction. So, in the given fraction, 8 is the denominator, whose prime factorization is 2 × 2 × 2.
(1 mark)
Step 2: As 10 and 100 are not multiples of 8, we will check with the next power of 10, which is 1000.
Step 3: Now, check whether 1000 is a multiple of 8. And we found that 1000 is the multiple of 8.
Step 4: Now, multiply the numerator and denominator of 18 by 125, and we get the decimal fraction after simplifying it further.
(1 mark)
i.e. 18 = (1×125)(8×125 =1251000= 0.125
(1 mark)