How do you determine which oxidizing agent is strong?
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Oxidizing Agent:
An oxidizing agent is a chemical species that tend to oxidize other substances, causing them to lose electrons and hence raise their oxidation state.
Oxidizing agents are frequently found in their most oxidized states, which means they can absorb electrons and undergo reduction.
Ions, atoms, and molecules having a strong affinity for electrons are good oxidizing agents.
The stronger the oxidizing agent, the greater is their reduction potential.
Electronegative elements are also good oxidizers because their electron affinity rises as they get more electronegative.
Higher the electronegativity greater the pull of electrons and hence the stronger the oxidizing agent.
Example: The strongest elemental oxidizing agent is fluorine. This might be because fluorine has the strongest attractive force for electrons of all the elements in the modern periodic table due to its electronegative nature.