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  • How do you feel when you are very hungry? How would you describe it?

    For example, sometimes we jokingly say, “I am so hungry I could eat an elephant!”

  • How do you come to know that you are hungry?

  • Think what would happen if you do not eat anything for two days?

  • Would you be able to manage without drinking water for two days? Where do you think the water that we drink goes?

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  • When we are hungry we feel empty in our stomach. The walls of our stomach give us a feeling as if they get collapsed. Our stomach and intestine start making noises as if they are demanding food.

Disclaimer: This question aims to encourage children to be creative and explore their vocabulary in describing different signs of hunger. The answer for the same can vary among students.

  • When I am hungry my stomach starts making noises. Other signs of hunger that I get are:

(i) Desire to eat food

(ii) Anger and irritation

(iii) Feeling tired and drained out of energy

Disclaimer: This question aims to encourage children to be creative and explore their vocabulary in describing different signs of hunger. The answer for the same can vary from one student to another.

  • If we do not eat anything for two days, we will start feeling tired, drained out, angry and irritated. We would not be able to concentrate on any physical or mental activity. We may also fall ill.
  • It would be very difficult for me to stay without water for two days.

    The water we drink goes to food pipe and then to the stomach, in the same way as food moves in our body. Excess of water is expelled out of the body in the form of urine.

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