Paramecium engulfs food by the use of cilia. Cilia is a hair like structure present on surface on body of paramecium. Food is ingested by cilia through oral groove into gullet. The food is ingested with a little surrounding water to form a food vacuole
Amoeba sends out finger like pseudopodia up on contact with food and engulfs the food by the process called ingestion. This results in the formation of food vacuole.
In more detail
Ingestion : Some protiats can ingest food particle from any point on the surface (e.g., Amoeba), while others have fixed points for the same (e.g., Paramecium). Protoxane like Amoeba capture food with the help of temporary finger-like extensions called pseudopodia, pmtrrzoans such as paramecium have small hair-like structures called cilia to capture food. Beating of cilia creates current in the water that pushes food particle through cytostome or cell mouth. The process of ingestion of solid food particle by a cell or unicellular organism is called phagocytosis.
As soon as Amoeba comes m contact with a food particle or prey, it throws pseudopodia all around the food particle or prey . The tips of encircling pseudopodia fuse and the prey comes to lie in a vesicle or phagosome. This method of intake of food is called 'thrumvallation'. Amoeba can also ingest food by other methods such as import circumfluences and invagination