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How is Lok Sabha more powerful than the Rajya Sabha?

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There are some powers which are only exercised by the Lok Sabha thereby making it more powerful than the Rajya Sabha. The below given information gives more clarity on the same:

Lok Sabha more Powerful than the Rajya Sabha

  • Rajya Sabha can only criticise the Government of India but cannot remove the Government of India. The reason is, the Constitution believes that the people of India are the ultimate authority. Representatives of Lok Sabha are directly elected by the people, whereas representatives of Rajya Sabha are not directly elected by the people of India.
  • The Council of Ministers is responsible only to the Lok Sabha and not to the Rajya Sabha.
  • The Rajya Sabha cannot amend, reject, or initiate money bills. Lok Sabha exercises more powers in money matters.
  • Rajya Sabha cannot reject any money-related law or the budget of the Government once it has been passed in the Lok Sabha. Rajya Sabha can suggest changes in these laws which can be accepted or rejected by the Lok Sabha. The Rajya Sabha can delay it by 14 days.
  • Any ordinary law must be passed in both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. If there is a difference of opinion between the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha regarding the law, then the final decision is taken through a joint session of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. However, the views of Lok Sabha are likely to prevail due to the superiority in numbers in the Lok Sabha.

Co-Equal Powers of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

In all other spheres like removal of the Vice-President of India, impeaching the President of India, making amendments to the Constitution of India, passing of non-money bills; both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha can be considered to be co-equal.

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