When the stigma of a flower is pollinated with pollen grains with the help of water, this type of pollination is called water pollination or hydrophily.
Pollination in Vallisneria
In submerged freshwater plants, like Vallisneria, the pistillate flowers have long stalks while the staminate flowers float on the water surface.
The pollen released is lighter than water and therefore floats on the water surface. The pollen flows along the water current and reaches the stigma of the female flower.
Pollination is completed on the surface of water.
Pollination in Zostera
In submerged marine plants, like Zostera (seagrass), the female flower is under the water and male flower is long.
Large amounts of pollen are released and this pollinates the stigma of the female flower inside the water.
The pollen are borne like ribbons and covered with mucilage so that they won't become wet
Pollination in Water lilies
In most aquatic plants, like water lilies and water hyacinth , the flowers are at the water surface therefore they can be pollinated by insects or wind like the terrestrial plants.