The zener diode ( Breakdown diodes) is a silicon p-n junction semiconductor device which is generally operated in its
reverse breakdown region.The zener diodes are fabricated with precise breakdown voltages, by controlling the doping
level during manufacturing. Zener diodes have breaking voltages ranging from 3 V to 200 V.
Significance of break down voltage in zener diode.:
The breakdown characteristics of a zener diode is important because it is the operating region of the diode. when
the reverse voltage applied to a zener diode is increased, initially the current through it is very small. This is the reverse
leakage current of the diode. At certain reverse voltage current through it increases rapidly. The change from low
value to higher value of current is well defined and very sharp. Such a sharp change in the reverse characteristics is
called knee or zener knee. (in the curve) At this knee, a breakdown is said to occur . The reverse bias voltage
at which this breakdown occurs is called the zener breakdown voltage. The zener breakdown voltage is carefully set
by controlling the doping level during manufacturing.