How many different words can be formed by using all the letters of the word ‘ALLAHABAD’?In how many of them both L do not come together?
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There are 9 letters in the word ALLAHABAD out of which 4 are A′s,2 are L′s and the rest are all distinct.
So, the requisite number of words=9!4!2!=9×8×7×6×5×4!4!×2=9×4×7×6×5=7560
Considering both L together and treating them as one letter we have 8 letters out of which A repeats 4 times and others are distinct. These 8 letters can be arranged in 8!4! ways.
So, the number of words in which both L come together=8!4!=8×7×6×5×4!4!=8×7×6×5=1680
Hence, the number of words in which both L do not come together
= Total number of words – No. of words in which both L come together