How many different words can be formed from the letters of the word GANESHPURI when: How many words of 5 letters each can be formed each containing 3 consonants and 2 vowels?
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GANESHPURI: No. of letters =10 vevels are AEUI i.e. 4 and consonants 6. Each word is containing 3 consonants out of 6 and 2 vowels out of 4. We can select them in 6C3 and 4C2 ways. Thus the total number of combination (gr
oups) of 5 letters will be 6C3×4C2 by fundamental theorem. But 6C3×4C2=6!3!.3!×4!2!.2! =6×5×43.2.1=4.31.2=120 ways Thus we have 120 groups each containing 5 leters i.e. 3 consonants and 2 vowels. Now the 5 letters in each group can be arranged amongst themselves in 5!4 ways. i.e. 120 ways. Hence the total number of different words will be 120×120=14400, by fundamental theorem.