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How many different words can be formed from the letters of the word GANESHPURI when: The vowels always occupy even places (i.e. 2nd,4th etc.)
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GANESHPURI: No. of letters =10 vevels are AEUI i.e. 4 and consonants 6.
We have ten places out of which 5 places are old i.e. 1st,3rd,7th,9th and five are even i.e. 2nd, fourth, sixth, eighth and tenth. In the five even places we have to fix up 4 vowels which can be done in 5P4 ways. Having fixed up there vowels in even places, we will be left with six places namely 5 odd arid one even left after fixing the four vowels. In these six places we have to fix six consonants which can be done in 6P6 i.e. 6! ways.