Based on the following gross, and very negotiable, rules:
joints with little movement are ignored, e.g the sutures in the skull.
anatomically different yet functionally co-dependent joints are taken as one, e.g the wrist and ankle are taken to be three joints on each side.
individual variations are ignored and the most common variation chosen, e.g two 'floating' ribs.
170, if you include the ribs as well. Ignore the chest wall and you have 112.
Skull: 3. Two temporomandibular and one occipito-cervical
Spine: 24. From C1-2 to L5-S1. Ignorong the sacrum and coccyx.
Pelvis:3. Two sacroiliac, one symphysis pubis.
Forelimbs: 44. Twenty two on each side- sterno-clavicular, acromio-clavicular, scapulo-thoracic, shoulder, elbow, three in the wrist, fourteen in the hand.
Hindlimb: 38. Nineteen on each side- hip, knee, three in the ankle complex, fourteen in the foot.
Chest:68. Ten ribs with three each on each side- costo-transverse, costo-vertebral and costo-chondral. Two ribs on each side with two only.