The smallest number, which is greater than 987 and divisible by 6 is 990.
The next number, which is divisible by 6 is 990+6=996 and so on.
Hence, numbers greater than 987 and divisible by 6 can be represented as 990+6n where n is a whole number
Largest number less than 1087 and divisible by 6 is 1086.
Numbers divisible by 6 are :
To find the position of 1086 in the series:
Hence, first number greater than 990 is 996 and 16th number greater than 990 is 1086.
There are 16 muliplies of 6 after 990 and till 1087.
Hence, including 990, there are 16+1=17 multiples of 6 between 987 and 1,087.