The correct option is
A 4P4I can choose the units place digit ; any of
the four ways 1,2,3,4 if repetition is not
allowed ie. xyz1–,x––y–z–2–,x––y–2–3–,x––y–2–4–
For the ten's paced digit; I can choose any 3
of 4 ways 1,2,3,4 if repetition is not allowed
For the hundred's place digit I can choose any
2 of 4 ways 1,2,3,4 is arranged to avoid up etc then
For the thousands digit place I can any choose
one digit 1–2–3–4– (if npo repetition allowed )
Therefore, total no. of numbers that can we
formed from digit 1,2,3 and 4 when repetition
is not allowed is 1×2×3×4⇒24⇒4!
also, 4P4⇒4!0!⇒24 Ans