How many proper fractions can you make whose numerator and denominator add up to 8?
Let the numerator of a fraction = x
Numerator and denominator add up to 8, Denominator = 8-x
So, Required fraction = x8-x
For x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Required proper fractions will be 17,26,35
Give a proper fraction whose numerator and denominator add upto 10. How many are they?
Give a proper fraction whose denominator is 4 more than the numerator. How many are they?
Write a fraction whose numerator and denominator add up to 9.
Give a proper fraction whose numerator and denominator add up to10. How many fractions can be made?
Give the proper fraction:
Whose numerator and denominator add up to 10. how many fraction of this kind can you make?