How much should be subtracted from 300 to get 147.2332 ?
Step 1 : Convert the decimals into like decimals as :
Step 2 : Subtract 147.2332 from 300.0000
Thus, the number 152.7668 should be subtracted from 300 to get 147.2332 .
Simplify the following:
(1) Subtract (−5) from 5.
(2) How much should be subtracted from (+5) to get −7?
(3) By how much (−10) exceeds (−20).
(4) From what number should (+10) be subtracted to get −15?
(5) What must be added to +7 to get −10?
(6) What should be added to +10 to get −4?
(7) If then, fill up the gap.
(8) If then fill up the gap.
(9) . Find the difference and show the operation by drawing a number line.
(10) Subtract −100 from the sum of −30 and +30.