The peper is of 120 these days I reckon and if u r aiming 100 out of that ,first of all bravo man! U r shooting where people don't even aim at.though I'm warning u that it's a tough road ahead as I'm someone who have been someone who have been on that same path 4 years back and ended up scoring 82 out of 120. See ,the thing is in every JEE advanced paper the physics is always comparatively easy as compared to other two subjects u just need to have Ur concepts strong and for that I'm gonna refer u some books the first book is dc Pandey series it will basically build Ur concepts (u can try HC verma but it's a very overrated book as far as I think that may be because it is so famous that every teacher has already included it's concepts in their notes itself) so refer Ur notes and see formulae from that and apply them in dc Pandey series apart from the question bank Ur coaching institute provides u.if u want to get higher then u need to refer Anurag Mishra it a very good book both conceptually and numerically .it has questions which are up to the level of i.e irodov( a very coveted book which only toppers refer).refer these and Ur class notes and solve previous years JEE papers and I think u'll be fine.good luck man cheers!!