The compounds with the functional group are named in according to the IUPAC convention by prefixing/suffixing the names along with the parent hydrocarbon name. The following examples will given an understanding about this.
01. Functional group - alcohol (-OH) suffix- ol/ prefix hydroxy
CH3-CH2-CH2-OH - 1-propanol (Propane is the parent hydrocarbon name and "ol" is added to that)
CH3CH2COCH3 Butanone (Butane is the hydrocarbon name and 'one' is added to that)
CH3CH2COOH Propanoic acid (Propane is the hydrocarbon name and "oic acid is added)
CH3CH(Cl)-CH3 - 2chloro propane (propane is the hydrocarbon name and chloro is prefixed)
CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-O-CH3 Methoxy butane (butane is the hydrocarbon name and methoxy is added as a prefix)