The correct option is D (i)- Ophrys, (ii)-bee
Mutualism is a kind of interspecific interaction in which both the interacting species are benefitted. Insects and flowering plants provide a good example for this.
Despite producing bisexual flowers, flowering plants prevent self-pollination and undergo cross-pollination as it brings genetically different pollen grains. There are several pollinating agents but insects are considered as efficient pollinators. Insects get attracted to the flowers either by colour or fragrance and bring about pollination. But to sustain the visits by insects, plants provide floral rewards like nectar and pollen.
Fig plants are pollinated by specific species of wasp only. The female wasp lays eggs in the fruits of the fig and uses the seeds to feed the developing larvae. While searching for suitable egg laying sites, the wasp pollinates the flower. Hence, both get benefitted.
In certain cases, flowers do not offer any floral rewards to their pollinators. The Mediterranean orchid, Ophrys is an example of this. One of the petals of its flower exactly resembles a female bee in size, colour and marking. This floral pattern is evolved to attract the right pollinator. The male bee gets attracted to the flower and pseudo copulates with the flower and during this the pollen sticks to the body of the bee. When the same male bee pseudo copulates with another flower, it transfers that pollen. This is called sexual deceit.
Hence, Ophrys employs ‘sexual deceit’ to get pollination done by a species of bee.