I. Pulvinus leaf base is present in some leguminous plants.
II. Whorled phyllotaxy is seen in Calotropis.
III. In Australian Acacia the petioles expand, become green and synthesise food.
IV. A bud is present in the axils of leaflets of a compound leaf.
Of the above statements.
The swollen leaf based is called as pulvinus. It is present at the base or apex of the petiole. Pulvinus leaf base is commonly seen in leguminous plants. Phyllotaxy is the arrangement of leaves on the stem. It is of 3 types, alternate, opposite and wholred. Opposite phyllotaxy is seen in Calotropis. In Australian Acacia the petioles expand, become green and synthesize food. This modified petiole is known as phyllode. A bud is present in the axil of petiole of simple and compound leaves. It is not present in the axil of leaflets of the compound leaf. Thus, the correct answer is 'I and III correct, II and IV wrong.'