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Question 17

Identify the wrong statements and correct them.
(a) Anther is a part of the pistil.
(b) The visible part of a bud are the petals.
(c) Lateral roots are present in a tap root.
(d) Leaves perform the function of transpiration only.

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(a) The given statement is wrong.
Correct statement - Anther is a part of the stamen.

Stamens are the male reproductive part of a plant. The two parts of a stamen are anther and filament. The part of stamen where pollen is produced is anther.

(b) The given statement is wrong.
Correct statement -Visible part of a bud are the sepals.

Sepals are green leafy parts present under petals and protect the flower buds from damage.

(c) The given statement is correct.
Lateral roots are present in a tap root. Taproot is the main root and the smaller roots are called lateral roots.

(d)The given statement is wrong.
Correct statement - Leaves perform three main functions, i.e. photosynthesis, transpiration, and respiration.

Photosynthesis: Green leaves prepare food for plants by using water and carbon dioxide in the presence of sunlight. This is the process called photosynthesis.

Transpiration: Other than photosynthesis, leaves play a crucial role in the removal of excess of water from plants through tiny pores in them. This is the process of transpiration.

Respiration: Respiration in plants is the process used by plants to convert nutrients obtained from soil into energy which helps in the plant's cellular activities.

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