If following data belongs to an adult male
Cardiac index=cardiacoutputTotal body surface area
Total body surface area in adult = 1.7m2
Cardiac index - 4litre/mt./m2
Heart rate - 68/minute
End systolic volume - 50ml.
Total body surface area - 1.7m2
Then choose the correct set of option.
1.Cardiac output = Heartrate x Stroke volume OR Cardiac index x total body surface area = 4 x 1.7 = 6.8 liter per minute.
Now, stroke volume = cardiac output/heartrate = 6.8/68 = 0.1 liter = 100 mL
As stroke volume = EDV-ESV, EDV = Stroke volume + ESV = 100 + 50 = 150 mL
So, the correct answer is 'C.O. = 6.8 litre/minute. ; SV = 100 ml. ; EDV = 150 ml.'