The correct option is
B centre of ellipse
We have the ellipse :x2a2+y2b2=1, a>b,
The auxiliary circle has equation: x2+y2=a2
Parametric coordinate on auxiliary circle is:(acosα,asinα)
Parametric coordinate of the same point when it is projected on the ellipse becomes:(acosα,bsinα)
According to figure:
We take one point P at an angle α from x axis.
Now as we know that O is centre of Δ, Points Q and R will be at a difference of ±2π/3 from P.
In Co-ordinate form:
Q:(acos(α+(2π/3)), asin(α+(2π/3)))
P′ :(acos(α),bsin(α))
Q′: (acos(α+(2π/3)),bsin(α+(2π/3)))
R′ :(acos(α−(2π/3)),bsin(α−(2π/3)))
Formula for centroid :(x1+x2+x33,y1+y2+y33)
Therefore putting values for P′,Q′,R′, we get:
Centroid: (0,0)