If the letters of the word MASTER are permuted in all possible ways and the words thus formed are arranged in dictionary order, then find the rank of the word MASTER.
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Let us arrange the word MASTER in alphabetic order AEMRST Thus as per dictionary rank it is the first word. Now keeping A fixed, the rest of the 5 words can be re-arranged in 5! ways. =120. Thus the rank of the word starting with E will be greater than 120. Now keeping E as the first letter, the rest of the words can be re-arranged in 5! ways or 120 ways. Now, let us fix M as the first letter. Rearranging the next letters in alphabetic order gives MAERST. Keeping E as the third letter, RST can be permuted in 3! or 6 ways. The next letter to occupy third position is R MAREST. Again 3!=6 ways. The next letter to occupy the third position is S, MASERT. Let E be the fourth letter, the remaining letters can be permuted in 2 ways. Then comes, MASRET, again 2 ways.