If the letters of the word "VARUN" are written in all possible ways and then are arranged as in a dictionary, then the rank of the word VARUN is?
Given that, word ‘’VARUN’’.
Number of word beginning with A =4×3×2=24
Number of word beginning with N =4×3×2=24
Number of word beginning with R =4×3×2=24
Number of word beginning with U =4×3×2=24
So, in total 96 word be formed while beginning with letter A,N,R and U.
Now, 96th word according to dictionary order will be ‘’VARUN’’
Now, 97th word according to dictionary order will be ‘’VARUN’’
Now, 98th word according to dictionary order will be ‘’VARUN’’
Now, 99th word according to dictionary order will be ‘’VARUN’’
Finally, 100th word according to dictionary order will be ‘’VARUN’’
Hence, answer is 100.