If z is a complex number , then the minimum value of |z|+|z−1| is
First note that ∣−z∣=∣ z∣ and ∣ z1+z2∣ ≤ ∣ z1∣+∣ z2∣ Now ∣ z∣+∣ z−1∣=∣ z∣+∣1−z∣ ≥ ∣ z+(1−z)∣=∣ 1∣=1 Hence,minimum value of ∣ z∣+∣ z−1∣ is 1
If z is a complex number, then the minimum value of |z|+|z−1|is
If z is a complex number, then the minimum value of |z|+|z-1| is