The correct option is
A Fibrous joint
According to functional classification joints may be immovable (synarthrosis), slightly movable (amphiarthrosis) and freely movable (diarthrosis).
According to structure joints can be classified into, fibrous, cartilaginous and synovial.
In fibrous joints, fibrous connective tissue unites articulating bones. No joint cavity is present. They are mostly immovable or slightly movable.
Sutures (literal meaning to stitch), are immovable joint found between skull bones.
There are four main sutures in the skull-
(a) Coronal suture: between the frontal and the two parietal bone.
(b) Sagittal suture: between the two parietal bones.
(c) Lambdoidal suture: between parietal and occipital bone.
(d) Squamosal suture: between parietal bone and temporal bone.