The levels of thermal tolerance of different species, water, light and soil determine to a large extent their geographical distribution. In recent year, there has been a growing concern about the gradually increasing average global temperatures. If this continues, the distributional range of some species would be affected. Life on earth originated in water and is unsustainable without water. Also, the productivity and distribution of plants is heavily dependent on water. Plants produce food through photosynthesis, a process which is only possible when sunlight is available as a source of energy. For many animals, light is important in which they use diurnal and seasonal variations in light intensities and duration (photoperiod) as cues for timing their foraging, reproductive and migratory activities. Soil composition, grain size and aggregation determine the percolation and water holding capacity of the soils. pH, mineral composition and topography of soil determine to a large extent the vegetation in any area. This in turn dictates the type of animals that can be supported.