In Rice, green colour of leaf can develop either in the presence of recessive allele p or another gene I. The latter gene is
In rice, the green colour of plants is governed by the gene I which is dominant over purple colour. The purple colour is controlled by a dominant gene P. When a cross was made between green (IIpp) and purple (iiPP) colour plants, the F1 was green. Inter-mating of F1 plants produced green and purple plants in 13 : 3 ratio. Here the allele I isepistatic to alleles P and p. Hence in F2, plants with I-P-(9/16), I-pp (3/16) and iipp (1/16) genotypes will be green because I will mask the effect of P or p. Plants with iiP-(3/16) will be purple, because I is absent.
So, the correct option is ‘suppressor’.