In the manufacture of Iron, write the chemical equations for the substance which is collected along the Cast iron at the bottom of the furnace.
The purest form of iron is prepared by oxidising impurities from cast iron in a reverberatory furnace. Which iron ore is used to line the furnance? Explain by giving reaction.
In the manufacture of iron, a mixture of limestone, coke, and iron ore is added to the blast furnace.
In this context,
(i) State the purpose of adding limestone to the furnace.
(ii) Give the equation for the reduction of iron ore.
(iii) Name the substance which is collected along with cast iron at the bottom of the furnace.
(iv) Write the chemical equation for the formation of the substance named in (iii) above.
The following substances are put into the blast furnace when manufacturing iron : iron, coke, ore, limestone, and hot air. Name the two substances which separate at the bottom of the blast furnace?
The following substances are put into the blast furnace when manufacturing iron: coke, ore, limestone, and hot air.
Write the equation for the reduction reaction which produces iron.