In the step IV of the rearrangement, if omit is related to era and rate is related to fan in a certain way, which of the following would ace be related to, following the same pattern?
In each step, one word gets arranged from the left and one from the right. Note that words starting with vowels get arranged from the left and those starting with consonants get arranged from the right. This goes on in such a manner that finally we have vowel-starting words arranged in reverse alphabetical order followed by constant-starting words arranged in reverse alphabetical order.
Input: gem stat ace cast omit fan rate uncut era input
Step I: uncut gem stat ace omit fan rate era input cast
Step II: uncut omit gem stat ace rate era input fan cast
Step III: uncut omit input stat ace rate era gem fan cast
Step IV: uncut omit input era stat ace rate gem fan cast
Step V: uncut omit input era ace state rate gem fan cast