In .......................... transmission the channel capacity is shared by both communication devices at all times.
In Full duplex transmission the channel capacity is shared by both communication devices at all times.
Refers to the transmission of data in two directions simultaneously. For example, a telephone is a full-duplex device because both parties can talk at once. In contrast, a walkie-talkie is a half-duplex device because only one party can transmit at a time.
An advantage of half-duplex is that the single track is cheaper than the double tracks. A full duplex communication channel is able to transmit data in both directions on a signal carrier at the same time. It is constructed as a pair of simplex links that allows bidirectional simultaneous transmission.
Simultaneous two-way data or voice transmission. A telephone conversation is full-duplex (both parties, if they so wish, may talk at the same time and be heard), but a walkie talkie conversation is half-duplex (one talks, the other listens).
In telecommunication, duplex communication means that both ends of the communication can send and receive signals at the same time. Full-duplex communication is the same thing. Half-duplex is also bidirectional communication but signals can only flow in one direction at a time.