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In what manner is the long form of the periodic table better than Mendeleev's periodic table? Explain with examples.

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• Long-form of the periodic table or modern periodic table is considered much better than Mendeleev’s periodic table, because of the following given reasons:

1) In long-form of the periodic table physical or chemical properties of an element are periodic functions of their atomic numbers whereas in Mendeleev’s periodic table these properties were a periodic function of their atomic masses.

But atomic number is a better parameter of analysis and it is more fundamental property, which makes modern periodic table superior.

2) In long form of periodic table metals, non- metals and metalloids can be easily differentiated. For example the non-metals are present on the upper right side of the table.

3) In long form of periodic table position and arrangement of elements can be easily determined by their electronic configurations. For example elements that have one electron in their last shell are placed in group 1.

4) The position of VIIIth group is appropriate in this table. All the transition elements have been brought in the middle as the properties of transition elements are intermediate between s and p-block elements

5) There is a gradual change in properties of the elements with increase in their atomic numbers, i.e., periodicity of properties can be easily visualized. The same properties or recurrence in properties occur after the intervals of 2,8,8,18,18 and 32 elements which indicates the capacity of various periods of the table.

6) This arrangement of elements is easy to remember and reproduce.

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